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    Our Mission

    Our mission is to bridge the information gap and ensure that every member of our diverse community is equipped with the knowledge and resources to exercise their democratic rights effectively. We are committed to supporting Oaklanders with voter education that helps them understand and navigate the electoral system with confidence.

    At Empower Oakland, we envision a future where every Oaklander is empowered to make well-informed voting decisions that positively impact their community and support authentic, effective leadership. We believe that every voice matters, every person wants to improve their community, and civic engagement opportunities should be accessible and equitable for all.

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    Pathways to Support Oakland Voters

    At this moment, Oakland is confronting a spectrum of pressing issues — violent crimes committed in broad daylight, an increasing unhoused population, unmitigated blight, an expanding structural budget deficit, and the list goes on. Oakland is in a critical moment but feels paralyzed by inaction.

    That is why, in this critical moment, we must organize, educate, and empower our neighbors in order to create a functional, thriving city that represents the values and aspirations of every Oaklander. With that, our plan to support Oakland and its voters by:

    • Empowering Oaklanders with Accurate Voting Information

      Our commitment to reliable voter education helps Oaklanders navigate the electoral system with confidence. From ranked choice voting (RCV) to the responsibilities of every office, we answer all the voting questions people may have in order to embrace the full potential of their voting power and play an active role in shaping Oakland’s destiny.

    • Providing Knowledge on Politics & Policy

      Knowledge is power. We want to empower Oaklanders by providing accurate and comprehensive information on local, county, and state issues that impact day-to-day life and beyond. Understanding the real community impact of voting is crucial in driving positive change.

    • Civic Participation Through Collaboration

      We know that collective action drives meaningful change. Through collaborative efforts and strong community partnerships, we strive to create a culture of civic participation where every Oaklander’s voice is not just heard but amplified and recognized through our Empower Oakland speaker series.

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